Monday, December 18, 2017

Now I'm angry

This means it's time to distract myself with some other productive task, but I need to get this out into the universe. I just want to say that it is SO VERY fucked up what he did to me...leaving me abruptly after 2.5 years, right before a vacation and during a week where I was feeling depressed about his family not accepting me.  I needed love, support, comfort...and he left. The only hope I have in my heart right now is to never have to endure such cruel treatment like this again from a man. I didn't deserve this just because I was sad, that my heart and soul were hurting. I mourn, grieve, cry, and I assume he is already over this, thinking in only logic like his family wants him to and not in terms of all of the memories, emotions, secrets, and vulnerabilities we shared together. Maybe I didn't mean anywhere near as much to him as he did to me. This is an extremely hard pill to swallow and everyone around me tells me it will take time. I thank God that this intense pain is not steady and that it comes in waves, enough for me to work and function. I learned that when you think you know a person, you really don't. I'm going to be so careful in the future. I may not even want to date or marry again. So before I start crying and getting hysterical and thinking about if he landed safely or if he is anywhere in proximity of where I am now (oops already happened)...I will go make my meal for the week. This negative energy isn't going to do me any good and it's not going to bring him back to me.

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